Thursday, September 2, 2010

Summer Days

I'm pretty sure that this summer will NOT go down as a super fun one for the kids.  Probably won't even make the top ten list . . . when they're 50.

We didn't go on any road trips.  Didn't even do any day trips.  No reunions.  No classes other than swimming.  Mostly, we spent a lot of time at home, with a few outings sprinkled here and there.  The older girls earned their stripes for childcare, and even made a meal or two.  The little ones did their best not to go too stir crazy.  Although I don't think I would give them a passing grade in that category.

J was dragged along to lots and lots of appointments.  And I have to give him credit for being a great sport about it, even though he got as heartily sick of them as I did.  In the last 4 months, I have made 6 trips to the dentist, 5 to the eye doctor, 4 trips to the pediatrician, 9 to the OB, 11 to the chiropractor, and one trip to my doc for a PT booster.  Whew!

I suppose it's no surprise that J and R have taken to playing doctor.  But it's the totally innocent kind, not the kind that makes every parent panic.  R has been cured of all sorts of ailments by Dr. J.

So other than a few trips here and there, most of our summer fun involved water.  Which is a good thing considering how hot it gets here in the summertime.

Our trips to the pool happened early in the summer, when I was still able to squeeze into my suit.

 This is at a local park.

And this is our front yard.  I couldn't talk them out of the umbrellas even though it sort of missed the whole point of playing in the sprinklers.  At least they put them down eventually and got themselves soaked.

Trying to be sneaky and attack unsuspecting family members.

That look of pure delight was because he was actually getting away with soaking me.

And how can we forget the classic summer pastime of playing with the hose?

1 comment:

Mom said...

Cute photos! Sounds like you really spent your summer in various waiting rooms. What fun! No wonder the little ones are playing doctor.