Friday, July 15, 2011

Freedom Fest

4th of July weekend.   We did a little of everything from run-of-the-mill traditional to downright odd.
Watermelon.  One of the true joys of summer.
BBQ with lamb.  Yes, lamb.  Topped off with cotton candy, popcorn and an outdoor theatre.  When I grow up, I want to be just like the couple that invited us.  They rock my world.  Haven't had such a relaxing evening in a very long time.
Did I mention that there was cotton candy?  I'm afraid the BBQ bar has now been raised unattainably high.  I'm not sure the kids will ever again be satisfied with a regular BBQ.
We built an eagle's nest in the back yard.  Naturally.

When you have a husband who occasionally turns into a landscape berserker, it makes perfect sense.

Plus, a certain little miss someone who is currently in love with little feathery friends and their homes has a birthday coming up.  I bet you'll never guess the theme.
Did I mention watermelon?  And machetes?  We're serious about our watermelon around here.
Patriotic nail polish.  Courtesy of some family friends.  It's always nice when your children return from a playdate more patriotic than when they left.
Pinwheels, dubbed "spinwheels" by the kids.  Courtesy of the awesomely amazing BBQ hosts.
Everyone had a great holiday weekend until baby B decided to catch Roseola and refused to leave my arms for 2 1/2 days.

So on the 4th, while Shaggy and the kids went swimming and to see the fireworks, I camped out in the rocking chair with a feverish baby who was finally giving me all the cuddles she's denied me for nearly a year.  Suffice it to say that I didn't hate spending the day that way.
And we finished it all off with s'mores on a stick (from the idea room).  They were seriously good.  Actually rivaled the real thing. 

Happy birthday, America!


Mom said...

I'm impressed. We didn't even go see the fireworks on the other side of the lake. But we heard a few pyrotechnics explode. Does that count? You and Shaggy create such wonderful memories for your kids.

Mom said...

P. S. K's teeth are looking really good. How much longer?